Production sprint 2 - 8

Art Production

Interactible items texturing:

The body parts of the victims have been textured and now look like actual dead bodies. With blood splatters and bones being visible. 
Some of the other interactable items also got a splash of paint to make them look just a bit better.


The still missing informative icons were made and added to the game, so be on the lookout for these little additions.


A lot of playing around with Mixamo animations has brought the first walking animation to life.

This wasn't too hard but did require a lot of trial and error. Deleting joints and re-parenting them to fit the character and then struggling with skinning and making sure the character doesn't stretch too much.  
But at last, we have the little psycho moving now.


For readability's sake, the colours of the environment were revisited and are currently still under construction, so I'll just leave a little screenshot to show the slight change that was made.

Programming Production

Destruction and hiding places:

The destruction places that needed an extra item were already made last week but tweaked the code a bit this week and finally added the finishing touches to the informative icons that show the player what is happening.
So now the player has a visual of how long destruction can take and when the containers are fully used/full.
the destruction time is just a slider that shows how long the destruction will take, while the full visual is a top icon as seen in the above art production.

this was not too difficult but took some time to debug out all the small errors that showed up during this. There wasn't anything in particular that would have made this fun I definitely enjoyed fixing some of the things that were messed up


The footprints were a proper pain to get right.
The logic behind is not as complicated as some people like to make it but the code written is definitely not the prettiest. 

 the footsteps spawn when the player leaves a blood pool (and is not holding a mop), after that, they spawn in intervals so you get the nice line of steps instead of getting them all spawned on each other. 

Now that all does not sound so bad but let me tell you that getting to the point of figuring out how to make everything come together nicely was not as easy. There was loads of debugging and going from Visual Studio to Unity to check if the small change messed everything up.
but after all the sweat, blood, and seas of tears, I got it made to a fun little trail that could annoy the player enough to try and not walk through blood that much.
I might be talking badly about this small feature but the satisfaction and joy I got from making it is immeasurable.


[Group15] 30 MB
47 days ago

Get Murder clean-up [WIP]

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